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Exchange Kafka avro messages in testcontainers ecosystem


This post showcases a manner on which to ensure the quality of Apache Kafka producers & consumers that exchange avro messages in a dockerized environment.

The library testcontainers can be used for providing lightweight, throw-away instances of docker containers corresponding to the artifacts of the Apache Kafka ecosystem:

  • Apache Zookeeper
  • Apache Kafka
  • Confluent Schema Registry

In this fashion, there can be tested complex integration scenarios which would otherwise involve the presence of an actual Apache Kafka testing environment. Simulating, for example, a schema version update for an avro event transported over Apache Kafka, can be tested therefor safely in an integration test without needing to occasionally manually test this operation.

The testcontainers library already offers a Kafka module for interacting with Apache Kafka, but there is not, at the moment, support on it for a Confluent Schema Registry container.

The project testcontainers-kafka-avro is a working prototype on how to setup and use in unit tests all the containers corresponding to the artifacts of the Apache Kafka ecosystem.

Setting up of the containers is done in the following manner:

  public static void confluentSetup() throws Exception {
    network = Network.newNetwork();
    zookeeperContainer = new ZookeeperContainer()
    kafkaContainer = new KafkaContainer(zookeeperContainer.getZookeeperConnect())
    schemaRegistryContainer = new SchemaRegistryContainer(zookeeperContainer.getZookeeperConnect())

        .deepStart(Stream.of(zookeeperContainer, kafkaContainer, schemaRegistryContainer))

    // ...

The beauty of working with the testcontainers library is that there (considering that docker installed on the test machine) is nothing related to Apache Kafka to be installed on the test machine. Simply by running mvn clean install everything is being automatically setup on docker and at the end of the test, the containers needed by it will be disposed.

As a side note, the containers used do not use the default ports exposed by default in their corresponding artifacts (e.g. : Apache Zookeeper 2181, Apache Kafka 9092, Confluent Schema Registry 8081), but rather free ports available on the test/build machine. In this fashion there are avoided possible conflicts with already running services on the test/build machine.

The creation of the Apache Kafka topic needed in the test, as well as the registration of the avro types in the Confluent Schema Registry is done once while setting up the Confluent environment.

The test showcased in the project shows how a Kafka Producer writes a BookmarkEvent avro event to the BookmarkEvents topic from which a Kafka Consumer reads it and verifies that the message received is the same as the message sent.

  public void demo() {
    final UUID userUuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    final BookmarkEvent bookmarkEvent = new BookmarkEvent(userUuid.toString(), URL,;

    produce(TOPIC, bookmarkEvent);
        String.format("Successfully sent 1 BookmarkEvent message to the topic called %s", TOPIC));

    var consumerRecords = dumpTopic(TOPIC, 1, POLL_TIMEOUT_MS);"Retrieved %d consumer records from the topic %s",
        consumerRecords.size(), TOPIC));

    assertThat(consumerRecords.size(), equalTo(1));
    assertThat(consumerRecords.get(0).key(), equalTo(bookmarkEvent.getUserUuid()));
    assertThat(consumerRecords.get(0).value(), equalTo(bookmarkEvent));

Even though this demo showcases a rather naive usecase, the setup shown above for Apache Kafka ecosystem can be used for complex quality assurance scenarios like:

  • simulating how are handled by the producer/consumer the schema version updates of the avro messages
  • investigate how the consumer/producer functions when the schema registry is temporarily not available (when pausing the schema registry docker container)

Feel free to integrate the Apache Kafka ecosystem testcontainers classes in your project to ensure the accuracy of your Apache Kafka avro producers & consumers.