find in path

Infer deletions in parent-child ELT staging data


This post concentrates on the enhancing ELT staging data for being able to infer entries which are missing from parent-child JSON staging data.

Suppose that a video platform where the users can make channel subscriptions has a data pipeline to its Data Warehouse system for exporting in case of changes the data about its users in near real-time.

Let us suppose for the sake of simplicity that the data exported towards the data warehouse follows this format:

  - id: NUMBER
  - username: VARCHAR
  - created_at: DATETIME
  - exported_at: DATETIME

    - id: NUMBER
    - name: VARCHAR
    - subscribed_at: DATETIME

Between the user and the subscriptions there is a 1:N relationship.

Obviously such a design is far from ideal in case of dealing with a real-world mainstream video platform where a user can have hundreds or even thousands of subscriptions, but due to the fact that video platform concepts are so spread, this is a nice fit for better explaining the problem tackled in this blog post.

In the time between two exports of the user subscription changes of a specific user data, there can be that new subscriptions get added and some of the subscriptions can also be removed (when the user unsubscribes from a channel).

e.g. : Let’s suppose that in the user subscriptions staging data there are found for the user johndoe two entries:

  "id": 1,
  "username": "johndoe",
  "created_at": 1609455600000,
  "exported_at": 1613379600000,
  "subscriptions": [
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "5-Minute Crafts",
      "subscribed_at": 1612170000000
      "id": 2000,
      "name": "euronews",
      "subscribed_at": 1612256400000
      "id": 3000,
      "name": "Treehouse",
      "subscribed_at": 1612342800000


  "id": 1,
  "username": "johndoe",
  "created_at": 1609455600000,
  "exported_at": 1613383200000,
  "subscriptions": [
      "id": 2000,
      "name": "euronews",
      "subscribed_at": 1612256400000
      "id": 3000,
      "name": "Treehouse",
      "subscribed_at": 1612342800000
      "id": 4000,
      "name": "DevTips",
      "subscribed_at": 1613381400000

Between 2021-02-15 09:00:00 and 2021-02-15 10:00:00 the user johndoe made a new subscription to the channel DevTips and unsubscribed from the channel 5-Minute Crafts.

This proof of concept project offers a solution on how to infer deletions of child entities within complex objects from the staging data.

In the scenario described above, an artificially created deletion entry should be created in order to point out approximately when the channel 5-Minute Crafts has been unsubscribed by the user johndoe.

On the basis of the insertions & deletions for the user subscriptions a data engineer can accurately find out across time the subscriptions that the users have made and how long they did last.

Historization of the user subscriptions

The basis for historization logic for the user subscriptions would be summarized by the union of the following data sets:

user subscriptions staging data
inferred deletions within the user subscriptions staging data (what this project concentrates on)
inferred deletions from the active user subscriptions within the already historized data
that do not appear in the last exported user subscription data

On the example of the johndoe user suggested above, the subscription availability intervals after processing the staging data at 2021-02-15 10:00:00 would be:

Channel nameSubscribed atUnsubscribed at
5-Minute Crafts2021-02-01 09:00:002021-02-15 10:00:00
euronews2021-02-02 09:00:00
Treehouse2021-02-03 09:00:00
DevTips2021-02-15 09:30:00

Infer deletions in the staging data

Let us assume that the raw staging data looks exactly as in the hypothetical example presented previously for the user johndoe:

select *
from playground.dbt_video_platform.raw_user_subscription;

raw user subscriptions

One possible solution for the problem described in the introduction of this project is presented in the code below:

WITH src_user_subscriptions AS (
        SELECT  load_id,
                LEAD(load_id)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY exported_at, load_id)      AS next_load_id,
                LEAD(exported_at)  OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY exported_at, load_id)  AS next_exported_at,
                ARRAY_SIZE(subscriptions)                                                     AS subscriptions_size
        FROM (
                    SELECT id                                                    AS load_id,
                           record:"id"::NUMBER                                     AS user_id,
                           TO_TIMESTAMP(record:"exported_at"::NUMBER,3)            AS exported_at,
                           record:"subscriptions"::VARIANT                         AS subscriptions
                    FROM playground.dbt_video_platform.raw_user_subscription
), user_subscription AS (
        SELECT src.load_id,
               subscription.value:"id"::NUMBER                              AS subscription_id,
               subscription.index                                           AS subscription_index,
               subscription.value:"name"::VARCHAR                           AS subscription_name,
               TO_TIMESTAMP(subscription.value:"subscribed_at"::NUMBER,3)   AS subscription_subscribed_at,
        FROM src_user_subscriptions src
        LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE(FLATTEN(input => src.subscriptions)) subscription ON 1=1
        WHERE subscriptions_size > 0

SELECT load_id,
       FALSE                                     AS _deleted
FROM user_subscription
WHERE subscriptions_size> 0


-- create artificially deleted entries for the subscriptions which don't exist in
-- the next staging occurrence of the user's subscriptions
SELECT next_load_id                             AS load_id,
       next_exported_at                         AS exported_at,
       NULL                                     AS subscription_index,
       NULL                                     AS subscription_name,
       NULL                                     AS subscription_subscribed_at,
       NULL                                     AS subscriptions_size,
       TRUE                                     AS _deleted
FROM user_subscription   AS current_user_subscription
WHERE next_load_id IS NOT NULL
        SELECT 1 FROM user_subscription AS next_user_subscription
        WHERE current_user_subscription.next_load_id = next_user_subscription.load_id
          AND current_user_subscription.subscription_id = next_user_subscription.subscription_id

Summarized, the SQL query above takes the complex JSON user entities from the raw staging table and flatten them to user subscriptions. Subsequently each of the user subscription will get attached load_id and exported_at information from the next user subscription staging entry per user_id.

Inferring the deletions is now simple because there needs only to be checked whether a user subscription does not have a corresponding subscription in the next staging occurence for the user.

The outcome of this transformation can be seen below:

select *
from playground.dbt_video_platform.stg_user_subscription
order by load_id, subscription_id;

staged user subscriptions with inferred deletions

In the image above can be noticed that the subscription of the user johndoe with the ID 1000 identifying the 5-Minute Crafts channel that was present for the user in the staged entry with the ID 1 is being marked as deleted due to the fact that it does not occur anymore in the subsequent staging entry with the ID 2.


The concepts described in this blog post can be tried out in the project dbt_infer_deletions_in_parent_child_staging_data that is accompanying this blog post.

The project includes a data build tool model that can be used to infer deletions within the parent-child JSON ELT data. The nice thing about this SQL demo is that it contains also automatic test specifications (based on dtspec) in order to verify the accuracy of the implementation against Snowflake database.


This blog post serves as a proof of concept for finding deletions within parent-child JSON staging data. Eventual improvements to the dbt_infer_deletions_in_parent_child_staging_data project code or ideas regarding alternative ways to solve this problem are very much welcome.